So hey thought I'd give you an insight as to what's going on in my life... So I've applied to uni to do..(wait for it)... Medicine! But well today I got my 3rd rejection, what makes it worse is that it was after an interview. so am I not good enough? And I knoow, it's hard to get into medicine whatever.... But I'm starting to have doubts now. I mean I'm not sure if I want to be a doctor. I've always been quite shy and quiet. I'm not a leader, I'm a follower, I'm not much of a communicator either. But I LOVE science (like i really do) and I want to work with people and feel rewarded by my job by (as cheesy as it sounds) helping people. And Im learning, I have come so far, the other day I spoke in front of the class about something biology related but, i mean, I wasn't even nervous! Crazy to think that 10 years ago I would have cried at the thought of that.

So what do I do? I haven't considered any other pathway yet. Maybe biochem, biomed, natsci or pharmacy?? Not sure whether to take a gap year. I just really need to knuckle down and ace my a levels and then decide what to do with my life. Gosh. Help me. :/
And good Nighty x
I sulphur when you argon. Classic. So anyone do chemistry around here? Isn't chemistry such fun. I do secretly enjoy it which is a bit weird but let's hope I can get the grades i need :/
Anyways post any sciencey jokes here. I'd love to see :)
I saw an Elephant.
Elephants are cool right? I wouldn't choose to be one because I would be even more clumsy than I am now. But they have a certain essence about them which I admire. They are big, tall and take no nonsense from anyone. Accept the zoo keepers that keep them chained. Animal cruelty... Indeed.
Hey you, yes you! how are you
This will hopefully be my blog where you guys can follow my life... As cheesy as it sounds.
Think of this as my personal diary. I will share every detail about my impossibly exciting life... Oh, the anticipation.